В стране планируется развитие командных видов спорта.

The country will focus on the development of team sports.

Starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, sports competitions will be held, including the "School League," "Student League," "Higher Education Cup," and "Rector's Cup."

The Presidential Decree dated 04.12.2024 No. PP-421 “On measures for the development of team sports and the improvement of the talent selection system for youth” has been adopted.


The main directions for the development of team sports (volleyball, basketball, handball, rugby, field hockey, water polo) are:

  • increasing youth interest in team sports and systematically conducting sports competitions;
  • creating a sports reserve for national teams and professional sports clubs, as well as implementing a digitized system for identifying, selecting, and screening talented young athletes;
  • improving the training, qualification enhancement, and retraining systems for coaches, referees, and specialists;
  • attracting foreign specialists and expanding international cooperation;
  • establishing modern sports facilities for team sports and strengthening the material and technical base of existing ones.


Starting from the 2025/2026 academic year, sports clubs for team sports will be organized in all state universities, and in other state higher educational institutions, there will be at least three team sports.


Also, from the 2025/2026 academic year, sports competitions for team sports will be held:

  • “School League” – among school sports clubs of general secondary schools;
  • “Student League” and “Higher Education Cup” – among sports clubs of higher educational institutions;
  • “Rector's Cup” – at the level of higher educational institutions.


In departmental organizations, sports clubs will also be created for at least three team sports. In this regard:

  • the heads of departmental organizations will take measures to organize the participation of the workforce in team sports on designated days after working hours (at least once a week);
  • competitions “Leader’s Cup” will be held among departmental organizations for team sports, and “Hokim’s Cup” among local hokimiyats;
  • winners and prize winners of sports competitions will be financially rewarded from the off-budget funds of the organizers of the sports competitions.


To implement a transparent selection system for talented youth through the introduction of advanced technologies in the unified electronic management system “ERP-sport,” technical capabilities will be created for identifying, selecting, and screening talented youth in 2025-2027.


The document approves a “Roadmap” for organizing regular activities in team sports and their further development.


The document was published in the National Database of Legislation and came into force on 06.12.2024.


Lola Abduazimova.