Обновлены цели Национальной комиссии по делам детей.

The objectives of the National Commission for Children's Issues have been revised.

Among them is the coordination of efforts to support their physical, intellectual, spiritual, and moral development, as well as the full realization of their potential.

The President has signed the Decree dated 02.12.2024 No. UP-201, which outlines measures to enhance the effectiveness of commissions on child welfare.


The primary objectives of the National Commission on Child Welfare and its branches in Karakalpakstan, regions, Tashkent city, and districts (cities) are:

  • to coordinate actions for the practical implementation of the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of children, facilitating their physical, intellectual, spiritual, and moral development, as well as the full expression of their abilities and talents;
  • to conduct systematic analysis, evaluation, and enhancement of the effectiveness of work being carried out to protect the rights, freedoms, and legitimate interests of children;
  • to analyze the effectiveness of measures taken for placing children in family care;
  • to evaluate the work of government bodies in organizing quality educational and upbringing processes, enabling children to acquire deep knowledge, qualifications, and skills;
  • to assess the effectiveness of measures aimed at engaging children with special educational needs in inclusive education, their medical-social rehabilitation, and integration into society;
  • to foster immunity among children against offenses, to prevent delinquency, neglect, and antisocial behaviors, as well as child exploitation, among others.


The document establishes that the National Agency for Social Protection, its departments, and district (city) social service centers "Inson" will serve as the working body for the National and territorial commissions on child welfare. Additionally, the National Guard is tasked with assisting the working bodies of the commissions in conducting meetings and gathering and analyzing necessary information for the commissions’ activities.


Furthermore, a proposal from the National Agency for Social Protection and the Children’s Ombudsman has been approved, which includes certain restrictions and additional requirements for educators and caregivers who have committed acts of violence against children in educational institutions.


The document confirms:

  • the updated composition of the National Commission on Child Welfare;
  • standard compositions of the commissions on child welfare in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions, Tashkent city, and districts (cities).


The document has been published in the National database of legislation and came into effect on 03.12.2024.


Lola Abduazimova.