In the iconic series "Magnificent Century," Ibrahim has a deep affection for Mahidevran and Mustafa. He does everything possible to bring Mustafa closer to the throne and fiercely defends Mahidevran. However, historical sources depict a much more complex picture.
Ibrahim Pasha, as the Grand Vizier, was primarily a politician rather than a mentor. His relationship with Mustafa was largely based on political interests.
Modern historians cite letters between Mustafa and Ibrahim as evidence. In 1534, Mustafa sent Ibrahim, who was fighting in the East, information about events in the Aegean region, to which the Grand Vizier replied, informing Mustafa of Ottoman victories and referring to himself in the letter as the "sincere friend" of the prince. Ibrahim expressed a desire to meet Mustafa soon and "to enjoy his noble and blessed favor and rejoice in it."
However, had Hürrem's elder son, Mehmed, been of the appropriate age at that time, Ibrahim would have written to him in the same manner. The Grand Vizier preferred to maintain warm relations with all potential heirs of Suleiman. Ibrahim and Mahidevran had known each other since the Manisa period, and it was quite natural for their relationship to be friendly.
On the other hand, the Venetian ambassador Cornelio Shepper, representing Charles V, claimed in his records that Ibrahim was the main enemy for the prince. According to historians, Mustafa conspired with Hayreddin Pasha and accused Ibrahim of secret ties with Charles V, which became one of the reasons for Ibrahim's execution. Additionally, Mustafa had harbored intense jealousy towards Ibrahim regarding his father since childhood.
The jealousy of Mustafa (who was then 10-11 years old) towards Ibrahim is noted in a report by Bragadino to the Senate. This is the well-known story of the spoon that Mustafa broke when Suleiman, during dinner, offered the spoon first to Ibrahim and then to Mustafa. In later years, the son of the ruler could never overcome his dislike for his father’s favorite and may have even been involved in his death.
Interestingly, even the bureaucrat and historian of the late sixteenth century, Mustafa Ali, who unhesitatingly blamed Hürrem for all mortal sins, did not mention her connection to the execution of the Grand Vizier.