In Uzbekistan, a series of measures have been adopted aimed at enhancing the quality of teaching music, physical education, and initial military training (IMT) in general education institutions. One of the key decisions was to allow graduates of higher education institutions specializing in "Music and Arts" to work as teachers in schools. This initiative is expected to attract young professionals with specialized education to teaching positions, which is anticipated to positively impact the level of music education among students.
During the presentation of the comprehensive measures to improve the educational process, the following proposals were also presented to the president:
- To foster the creative potential of students and systematically identify gifted children in schools, the establishment of artistic collectives called "Iktidor" is planned. This project aims to provide additional support to talented students and create conditions for their further professional development.
- To enhance the effectiveness of physical education classes, the introduction of new methodological materials for teachers and the updating of curricula for this subject have been proposed. The modernization of the educational process in physical education is aimed at instilling a healthy lifestyle and developing sports skills among the younger generation.
- In the realm of initial military training, it is suggested to transfer the staff of IMT teachers to the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Additionally, there is a consideration of involving only reserve military personnel from the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan in teaching activities in this field. This measure, according to its initiators, is expected to improve the quality of IMT instruction and ensure more effective preparation of students for military service.
These initiatives are aimed at the comprehensive development of the education system in Uzbekistan and the enhancement of student training in key subjects such as music, physical education, and initial military training.