The film "Anora," directed by Sean Baker, has been named the best film of 2024 by the esteemed IndieWire portal. This decision was made based on a vote by a panel of 177 film critics. A complete list of the films that participated in the selection can be found on the publication's website.
"Anora's" triumph on the international film stage does not stop at this recognition. Previously, the film was awarded the "Palme d'Or" at the Cannes Film Festival, making it one of the leading contenders for the Oscar. This tragicomedy, filmed in New York, has captured global attention not only for its storyline but also for the participation of Russian actors Yuri Borisov and Alexey Serebryakov.
Yuri Borisov, who played the role of Igor, has received two awards for Best Supporting Actor: the Toronto Film Critics Association Award and the San Francisco Film Festival Award. His character, a dark and complex young man, became one of the key elements of the film's success.
Among the top ten films of 2024 according to IndieWire, alongside "Anora," are: "Everything We Think Is Light," "The Contenders," "I Saw the Glow of the Television," "Substance," "Dune: Part Two," "Don't Expect Too Much from the End of the World," and "The Harsh Truth." This reflects the high competition and diversity of films presented this year. Anora's victory in this context is particularly significant and underscores the artistic value of the film. The success of the movie undoubtedly contributes to the growing interest in Russian cinema on the global stage. However, in Uzbekistan, the film has been pulled from distribution and is banned.