In November 2023, a series titled "The Word of the Guy: Blood on the Asphalt" was released in Russia. The series portrays the story of youth criminal gangs from the 1980s that fought for influence in Kazan.
The show sparked much discussion and won the hearts of viewers from CIS countries. Following its success, similar series began to emerge in various other CIS nations.
Specifically, on November 21, Uzbekistan premiered the first episodes of the series "Tournament." In this series, students from two schools compete for influence and social justice. One school is ordinary, while the other caters to the "wealthy." The students from both schools clash as they attempt to determine who is stronger.
So far, the creators of the series have released two episodes. The initial episodes feature numerous conflicts and violence. The series is intended for viewers aged 18 and older. According to early reviews, the series has resonated well with Uzbek audiences, who have grown weary of love stories and social issue dramas.