Антимонопольный комитет инициировал дело против шести банков.

The Competition Committee has initiated proceedings against six banks.

The Competition and Consumer Rights Committee has initiated proceedings against several banks and a microfinance organization.

During the inspections, signs of violations of the laws "On Advertising" and "On Consumer Rights Protection" were found concerning:

  • Hayot Bank;
  • Yangi Bank;
  • Aloqa Bank;
  • Asia Alliance Bank;
  • O‘zsanoatqurilishbank;
  • Biznesni Rivojlantirish Banki;
  • CASH U (MFO).

Based on these facts, the committee has initiated an investigation. After the review of the cases is completed, additional information regarding the results will be provided in due course.

We remind that the committee for competition development and consumer rights protection has opened a case against three television channels: FTV, Muloqot, and Amudaryo. It was revealed that from April to July of this year, these channels exceeded the permissible advertising volume limits.